

Friday, March 18, 2011

OK... I just got lazy before...

Ok so I have a lot to update on I know. I had actually considered not continuing updating my blog because I honestly didn't think anyone was reading it... However, I seem to have a lot of complaints about not having been updating. So I believe I left off right before I went to Morocco... Well to start off it is actually really cool to be able to say I've been to Africa! However, the trip itself was not as exciting as I had hoped. For those of you who have seen my pictures, the first place we went to was a town of blue... Literally everything was painted blue. We did a lot of bargaining and dealing down prices with the shop keepers because it is considered rude there if you pay the first price they offer.. weird right? Anyways, there I bought this beautiful green handmade blanket... It's not really a warm blanket, but more of decoration and to show off that I have it lol. Then we rode on a bus forever to get to another place that looked almost exactly the same... We spent most of our time on the buses. The food wasn't really any different than what I've had in Spain. Just a lot of soup and meat. The last day we were there we had kuskus (sp?) Anyways its an authentic dish... Obviously because my family doesn't really eat anything out of the ordinary, I had never even heard of it before lol! In one of the other villages that we went to I was looking at a painting of Morocco and the guy had offered it to me for 60 euros and I said no way... Eventually we got him down to 20 euros. The bargaining was probably one of the most fun things we did. But, by far, the most fun thing we did was ride camels for about 5.5 seconds!! They have camel rides everywhere for the tourists... I had a strange experience because the guy told me to basically jump up on the camel... And I told him my legs were too short to get around the camel so he had to help me jump up. Everyone laughed at me... And then! The camel behind me way trying to eat the cloth underneath the saddle of my camel... I was just a bit scared because it was so close to my leg and eventually I just wanted to get off so the camel wouldn't eat my foot. Then we had more bus driving.. we went through a creepy market where they sold live hens everywhere... and honestly I know the culture is different, but it was just kinda gross. Anyways, I think overall it was a great experience, just had to travel a lot to do only a little.

(The two pictures above are of me and our tour guide and me almost falling off my camel lol. Our tour guide carried tobacco snuff with him on his thumb the whole time we were with him and had to constantly remind us that it was not cocaine. He told us that no, this stuff would take you to the moon. An intersting tid bit about him was that he spoke Arabic, French, English, Spanish, and German and he learned them in that order. He was so cute!)

Alright that is it for this one, and I am going to go take a break by the water, but I promise I will update more today because there is a lot for everyone to be updated on! Hasta luego!

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