

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My first day of classes

Hello again everyone! I have just finished with my first two days of classes today! I have thoroughly enjoyed everything about them including my professors! I am taking two literature classes and two business classes (one of which is in English). We will see after a couple of weeks how I really like them :) They are only Monday through Thursday which means I have no class tomorrow! Hello weekend!
So I've made several observations while I've been in Spain. The music here other than flamenco is what has already been popular in the US. As of right now, I am in my apartment listening to Bad Romance by Lady Gaga... outside my window! Her songs are everywhere! In most of the stores, I always recognize the music. Justin Bieber is very popular as well. I have also noticed that people who drive her are insane! It is also common knowledge that people need to watch out for cars and not the other way around. Just this morning a man walked straight through the middle of an intersection trying to dodge cars. Also, the people on bikes will run you over too if you are walking in the bike paths... Haha.
I ride the metro everyday to and from school and it is really interesting to listen to everyone talk. So many people think that foreign countries like Spain are so different from the US, but it really is not.
One of the things I absolutely love here, other than the siestas :), is the fact that everyone goes outside to shop and go to cafes and restaurants so you get to see everyone in the streets! It is such a wonderful experience to see so many people around enjoying one others company. I don't have plans for the weekend yet, it looks like its going to be a wet one so we will play it by ear. Hope everyone in the states is having a good time with the snow!!! Let me know if you want me to answer any of your questions!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mi adventuras primeras en Sevilla!

So I have been in Sevilla para dos dias and I am completely in love. People always say that all of Europe is so beautiful and so different from the US and it truly is! I cannot begin to describe the amazing things that I saw! But... I'm going to try! When we first got here... (when I say we usually I will mean Erica and I because she is my roommate here in Sevilla)... we were fed so much food I couldn't get it all down! I believe it was spinach and chickpeas and I wasn't very fond of it... But the next morning we had pan y cafe con leche... bread and coffee with milk... and that was delicious... again so much food. Then we set off to explore different parts of Sevilla! We met up with Cathy from CNU and a bunch of other students from William and Mary and set off to see Reales Alcazares which is an enormous castle in Sevilla! It is goregous beyond believe! Oh and there are trees with oranges all over the city! I mean they are everywhere. It is such a popular fruit BUT! it is not suggested to eat them right off the trees. Most of them on the trees are bad because all the good ones have been picked off! After the castle we came back for a siesta and then went back out later to take a tour of the city. The streets are very small and a little difficult but if you really pay attention it is easy to get around. At night, Erica, Cathy and I set out in search of our first bebidas in Sevilla at the local bars! Erica and I had mojitos and Cathy had a Cruzcampo... Spanish beer. Then we went to another place and all got a sangria! This morning we went and toured the third largest cathedral in the world... The Cathedral of Sevilla! It is nearing the end of our siesta today and tonight we will warch flamenco dancing and do some other things!
Trees with oranges!!! 

Part of the castle! It was all so beautiful!

Part of the Cathedral

A second part of the Cathedral!
All other pictures are on my facebook!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Finally in Sevilla!

Ok everyone I made it to Sevilla! After my twelve hour layover and three flights I finally made it! I have a long week of orientation ahead and I can't wait! Pictures of everywhere I go will be up sometime during the week! Love and miss everyone!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today is the DAY!

Good morning everyone! I am so excited this morning because I will finally be on my way the Spain this afternoon. But with long flights and layovers... 12 hours in Portugal... it will take me quite some time to get there! Now, I am going to try as hard as possible to update everyone when I arrive, but I just don't know how things are going to work when I get there. All I can say is wish me luck, and pray for me during my travels! I will miss and I certainly love you all!
Here I come Sevilla! Adios Estados Unidos! (United States for all you non-spanish speaking folks).

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let the countdown begin

There are two full days until I board my flight in Richmond! I have decided to only take one suitcase :O
Packing one suitcase for a four month time period is challenging for me... This may not come as a surprise to some of you... I will be spending time with loved ones these next two days, but all of my CNU loves, know that I miss you all dearly!
